Thursday, June 25, 2009
Day Eleven (June 24, 2009)
I decided that I am only going to post on days that something significant happens(because its summer and nothing really happens). I should be getting ADHD meds soon so that is good. Transformers is a very epic movie. Tomorrow, I have rehersal, I hope I remember to wake up on time this time.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day Ten (June 20, 2009)
I havent posted that last few days because nothing has happened haha. Today I went to a snare sectional. Thursday, I woke up at 1:26, the rehersal started at 12, but our instructor assumed that since I was so late that I must have been doing something important. He then probably forgot about it since Maary passed out from dehydration. Don't worry, she is fine. Tomorrow, I am not doing anything again, just thought I would give an update.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day Nine (June 17, 2009)
I went to the psychologist today and didn't get any medicine. It turns out, I got the one doctor that actually cares, which is good, but I would like to be able to focus soon. He said he wants to have a few more sessions before he prescribes anything. The bowling thing was definately not a date, and I am happy about that. It is good to have a friend like her, we have fun. Tomorrow, I have drumline practice.
Day Eight (June 16, 2009)
I went to my sister's graduation party today. Eliza was there, but she didn't seem very interested in me today. Otherwise, it was fun. Food, swimming, and dancing. Tomorrow, I am going to see a psychologist about ADHD. Hopefully, I can get some medicine for it. Then I can actually have conversations with people, right now it is hard to focus on people talking. If I do get it then I can actually talk to Eliza and keep the conversation going. At four tomorrow, I am bowling with a friend I haven't seen since middle school. In middle school, we both liked eachother at one point or another, and I have no idea if tomorrow is just friends hanging out or more than that. I guess I'll find out then.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Day Seven (June 15, 2009)
I came back home from Kevin's house at about noon-ish and did alomost nothing untill five pm when i had my snare sectional. We went running to start it off because we decided we want to be the most ripped snare line ever. Sam led becasue it was in his neighborhood. We ran to the new part of his neighborhood that is still being built and we ran through all the construction stuff, it made for a good obstacle course. He probably went through there because of me because he knows I like to jump around a lot and thats what we did (no one was at the construction site so we were free to run and jump all over the equipment and terrain). Me and Austin were able to keep up with Sam the whole time but Brennen and Andrew had to stop a lot. It was kind of funny. They got really far behind at one point so to let them catch up, we went inside a halfway constructed house. All we did was walk and look around, but the fact that we weren't supposed to be there made it so much more fun. We then ran back and did some actual practicing, then we all went home. Then I did nothing for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, my sister is having her graduation party, it will be epic.
Day Six (June 14, 2009)
I wasn't able to post this yesterday because I was with my friends and I would prefer they didn't know I had a blog. I stayed over night at Kevin's house and Alex was there too. We played a bunch of games and watched Serenity (I have seen it about fourteen times at this point and it still doesn't get old). Again, the best part was talking to Eliza on the computer. Thats pretty much all I did yesterday... except for ripping my shirt in half hulk style... maybe that wasn't the best idea. Today, I am probably going to have a snare sectional at Brennen or Sam's house.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Day Five (June 13, 2009)
Today, I went to another friends graduation party. There seem to be a lot of those all bunched together. I meen, it makes since, seeing as they all just graduated, but there were four on the same day. At about four I went to Michael's house and hung out with him and Burhan. We played video games for a bit then went outside and shot airsoft guns and rocks out of a slingshot at a foam target. We then ate and played more video games (we are geeks, how can I deny it). When I came home, I watched serenity then slept for a bit. I then got up and talked to Eliza on the computer. Is it sad that that was the highlight of my day? At about midnight, I went to go play Guitar Hero on the Xbox. I then came back to my room and then it was now. The "today" I keep referring to is technically yesterday but I haven't gone to bed yet so I still count it as part of the day. Tomorrow, all I have planned is to mow the lawn, I hope something interesting happens.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day Four (June 12, 2009)
Sam called at about 9ish today, so thats when I woke up. He asked if I could help move/dissemble some wooden structures at the school. His family helps a lot with the marching band and that was where the wooden structures were from (they were props used in the show). After that we had a snare sectional at 12 at his house. To be honest, we played more video games than practiced, but we still got some work done. I left at 2 and then at 4 I went to my sister's graduation. I then got a new (as in my sister's old) phone (because I broke my old one) and watched Royal Paines for the rest of the day. Not much else really happened. Tommorow, I plan to do absolutely nothing productive.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day Three (June 11, 2009)
Today, I slept untill about noon, which felt really good. At about four, I went to my friends graduation party. It was fun because I got to hang out with Brennen, Sam, Eliza, Dino, Charles (the person who was graduating), Brandon, Steven, Brennan (he is moving so I probably will not mention him again for a while), and Mary. How can I deny it, I still like Eliza too much to not try again. I am still going to keep my eyes open though, but nobody seems to compare. I am hopeless, I know. After the party, I tried to go to Joseph's house to watch a movie (Sam, Brennen, Brennan, and I were all going to go), but, once again, my mom wouldn't let me. She needs to loosen up a bit and let me be a teenager. Just because she did horrible things as a teenager doesn't mean that I am going to. After I got off the phone with her, I was a little annoyed and snapped my phone in half. When I look back at that, I am thinking it my not have been the best idea, but oh well. I occasionally have anger issues like that, but they don't last for very long. Tommorow, I have a snare sectional (essentially just an excuse for me, Brennen, Sam, Austin, and Andrew to hang out), I might be going to a friends house to play cards, and I am going to use my newfound skills in fixing things to try to fix my phone.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day Two (June 10, 2009)
I was put on snare drum!!!!YES!!! That has been my goal for the last two years. My instructor pulled me aside and made me promise to practice an hour a day over the summer, then he said "welcome to the snare line". That was a incredibly awesome sentence to hear. At this moment, the definate snare line is me, Sam, and Brennen. Austin and Andrew are also going for it and our instructor said we could have five so they might both make it. I should be getting some ADHD medicine soon, I just filled out the paperwork to go see the doctor and now I am just waiting for the doctor to set up an apointment. My sister and I went to ice cream twice today at the same place (we are not fat, we were just hungry:)). The same lady was working there both times and the second time she gave us the wierdest look, that made me laugh. I know that was random but I just felt like sharing it. I gave my first compliment to a girl today. Yes, I really am that socially slow that it took me sixteen years to tell a girl I liked something about her. It happened to be to Eliza (the girl that I used to like and am not sure if I still like). I wonder if this means that I still like her because I think everything about her is great. I mean... it obviously does mean that, but I wonder if me still liking her will stop me from having the capacity to like someone else. I would hate to be blinded from a girl that I could have a serious relationship with when she already said no in a way. Here is what happened: it was sometime in the middle of the schoolyear and I had finally gathered enough courage to ask her out. I was going to ask her to go to a symphony with me (we are both kind of music nuts and we had to write a paper about a music performance so we were both going). As I was about to do it (we were walking to the bus), a freshman we both know came out of nowhere and started talking to me and, before I had the chance to ditch him, she got on her bus. I then called her a little later to ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with me and my sister (I was going to ask her to go to the symphony there) and she said she was doing homework (we are friends so it was not obvious it was for me to ask her out). I then called her again later to ask her to go to the symphony with me (I know over the phone is bad, but I had no other options) and she said she was going with Mary (one of her friends, now my friend too) (she isn't lesbian, she is just loyal to her friends because she said she would go with her). For a while after, I toyed with the idea of asking her out again, but since then we have been hanging out more and have become better friends and I have decided not to wreck that. Anywho, today was a good day for me, ice cream and victory... nothing sweeter. Tommorow, I am going to a graduation was of one of my senior friends, Charles.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A little about me and my peers
I am currently a rising junior in high school. My real name is not Luke, but I do not want people I know reading this so I will not be using lmy real name or last names of anyone in hopes that no one I know finds this. I am sixteen years old and have never been in a relationship before (yeah, lame I know). When around my friends, I am extremly confident and cocky, but around people I don't know very well (or around most girls) I can barely speak. Confidence has always been a major issue for me but I seem to be getting better and can actually talk to people. I have one sibling and she is older than me. Out of all my friends that are around my age I think I am the second strongest (this isn't me just assuming, we arm wreslted because we were curious). Ryan is the strongest. I hardly feel physical pain anymore for some reason that is unknown to me. I am in pretty good shape considering that I do not do anything to get that way. My high matabolism and my urge to always be moving keep me skinny and I do not know where my strength comes from. My hobbies are freerunning (I can jump really high), learning Japanese (I seem to be good at picking up languages), magic, drumming, and film. I am a part of my schools drumline. Most of my friends are too. The main people I will mention in this blog are (D stands for friends in drumline, J stands for rising junior, S stands for rising sophmore, S! stands for senior, B stands for friends in band) Sam(D/J), Brennen(D/J), Michael(D/J)(nickname is Brownie, I use both names interchangably), Jacob(D/S), Joseph(D/S)(Jacob and Joseph are brothers), Peter(B/J)(real name is Ryan, but we call him Peter so we don't mix him ad the other Ryan up), Eliza(D/J), Troy(B/J), Steven(D/J), Brandon(not sure if he is doing drumline or band/J), Dino(D/J), Kevin(S!)(I have been friends with him longer than any other friend ever), Alex(D/S!)(Kevin introduced me to him and I eventually convinced him to join drumlin), Ahmed(J), Burhan(J), Andrew(D/S), Austin(D/S)(he is older than me though, his parents made him retake second grade, he is not stupid or anything though), Danielle(J)(goes to a different school, we know eachother from middle school), Dru(college, sister), Mary(D/J), and Keith(J)(real name Alex, we also call him peaches(long story(actually, its pretty short, but it is boring))). I have a few other friends and I probably forgot someoene on that list, but those are the peoeple I hang out with the most. Over the next year, it is my goal to double that list as I gain confidence. I tend to lie a lot and I like to steal (I give everything back though, I just enjoy the thrill of being sneaky). I have OCD and possibly ADHD. Drumline is probably the biggest part of my life aside from my friends. It is fun and most of my friends are in drumline so it gives us an excuse to hang out. I am the one in my group of friends that people know is most likely to accept a chalange. I like to do crazy things that do not make any sense. My philosophy is to enjoy life as much as possible and if I can't find a way to enjoy a part of it then I leave that part behind. I also try to live by the Nike motto of "Just do it". I used to really like Eliza but due to recent, complicated circumstances, I am not sure how I feel about her anymore (nothing bad against her, I just relized that she doesn't like me the same way so I decided to let go, bur we are still friends and may be able to become better friends now). This means that I have entered a new era in my life where I am not stuck trying to get one girl 24/7, I can actually notice other girls and I might be able to actually enter a relationship and maybe even find out what this whole "love" thing is about (yes, I am that tacky). I am not very close to my parents, even though they think we are close. They are too judgemental to tell them anything and I know if I do tell them anything of importance that I will either get into trouble or be denied (I have tried before and that is what happened). I can talk to my sister but I think of us as more of friends than siblings(good thing because siblings tend to hate eachother). I always to go out to places with my friends because I cannot stand the feeling of being alone. I am definately not popular, but I still like to dress in very nice clothes (my sister tells me what looks good because I have no clue). I am a decently intelligent person who is always striving to learn new skills and become a generally better person. I think that about sums me up.
Day One (June 09, 2009)
Today was pretty cool. It was the last day of school and after school I hung out with my friends (Michael, Sam, Ryan, Peter, and Burhan) and some of their friends (Kate and Amy) all day. We went to a place called Frankies and played laser tag and putt putt golf. My main goal while there was to make sure that Michael at least tried to flirt with Kate, who he likes. He was reluctant because Ryan liked her too and he called "dibs". In my opinion though, dibs does not mean shit when you are talking about a girl that you like. I tried to encourage him to flirt a bit, but he kept refusing. I also told Ryan to back off (which I don't know if that was the right thing to do, but it felt right at the time(I do that sort of thing a lot, I usualy do not think before I act)) because the first friend really needed this and it would be very good for him. Ryan was kind of being a douche about it though and said no (and I know for a fact that Michael likes her more). Luckily, neither girl showed any interest in Ryan so his ego may have been taken down a bit. Don't get me wrong, he is one of my best friends, but he sees himself as better than everyone else and it gets really annoying at times. Peter also has this problem from time to time, but it is mostly just in academic situations (and they both have a right to be that way about there grades, they are geniuses (Sam is also a genius, Burhan is really smart, and Michael thinks he isn't smart, which lowers his self esteem to the point where he just doesn't try and that upsets me because he really is a very intelligent person)). After Frankies, all of us except for Kate, Amy, and Ryan (he had a soccer game and I don't knwo where the girls went) went to Peter's house where we played video games, ate, and played poker. We had a mexican style dinner (his mom is a fantastic cook) where I almost died from taking a large swig of some extremely hot hot sauce for ten dollars (I had to go five minutes without a drink of milk (apparently water wouldn't have helped)). When we were done with poker the doorbell rang and it was my mom coming to pick me up. I jokingly said that she always comes and ruins a party because she picks me up before it is over and then the whole ride home was my parents lecturing me about being respectfull (it does bother me though, my parents don't let me stay out late most of the time because they are too lazy to come pick me up, which they probably wouldn't have to do because I would probably end up sleeping at a friends house). Luckily, I have learned the valuable skill of ignoring them and throwing in a "yeah" occasionally to make them think I am listening. I wasn't going to let their ranting ruin my day. Tommorow, I have to fill out some forms for my doctor, because it has become increasingly apparent that I have ADHD so I am getting it checked out. I also have drumline practice, I think it is the last one before our instructor "sets the line" which means to choose who will be playing what instrument.
Blog time
Hello, I decided today to start a blog to see what it is like and to see how long it would last. I tend to jump from one thing to another a lot so I want to see if this is one of the few things that will stick. I honestly do not expect anyone to read this, but I am going to start it anyways and see what happens. (On a side note, I will probably stop writing correctly soon, I'm just too lazy to keep this up).
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