Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day Five (June 13, 2009)

Today, I went to another friends graduation party. There seem to be a lot of those all bunched together. I meen, it makes since, seeing as they all just graduated, but there were four on the same day. At about four I went to Michael's house and hung out with him and Burhan. We played video games for a bit then went outside and shot airsoft guns and rocks out of a slingshot at a foam target. We then ate and played more video games (we are geeks, how can I deny it). When I came home, I watched serenity then slept for a bit. I then got up and talked to Eliza on the computer. Is it sad that that was the highlight of my day? At about midnight, I went to go play Guitar Hero on the Xbox. I then came back to my room and then it was now. The "today" I keep referring to is technically yesterday but I haven't gone to bed yet so I still count it as part of the day. Tomorrow, all I have planned is to mow the lawn, I hope something interesting happens.

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